General conditions of use (CGU)

Date: November 2, 2022

For a good understanding of the present general conditions of use, the following terms are defined:

• “CGU” or “General Conditions of Use”: all the stipulations provided for in these terms and conditions which aim to define the methods and rules of access and use of the Service.

• “In:expeditions”, “we”, “us” or “our”: together or separately, SAS with a share capital of 1,000 euros based in Paris registered with the Paris RCS under the number 83086060700019

• “Site”: online service accessible by a User via his connection terminal and located at the URL and/or other address regardless of the means used to access it.

• “Content”: all audiovisual, textual, audio, graphic and photographic elements, software, available on our site.

• “User” or “you”: any person accessing the Sites, regardless of the network or the means used.

Article 1 - Purpose and scope of the terms and conditions of our services These Terms constitute a legally binding agreement (the “Contract”) that binds you to In:expeditions (as defined above) and that regulates your access to the In:expeditions site and your use of this site.

Article 2 - General conditions of use of our services 2. 1. Access to the site
The site allows the User to:
• Consult information relating to the activity of In:Expeditions, its mission, its programs.
• Subscribe to the IN:expeditions Newsletter by going to the site's reception area.

2. 2. Technical conditions for access to services
The site is accessible to any User who has an internet connection in mobile form, tablet, computer.

2.3. Use of the site
The site and its contents are protected by intellectual property rights, copyright and trademark law.

Any use, reproduction, representation of all or part of the content of this site constitutes an act of counterfeiting punishable under intellectual property law.

The User of the site is therefore forbidden to represent, reproduce, transform or adapt the content of the site for his purposes.

Article 3 - Personal data of our users
Users who access our site are informed of our data processing policy by the thumbnail at the bottom right of the home page. The User has the right to accept or refuse the use of data by checking the box “accept cookies” or “refuse cookies”.

The data collected is pseudonymized, i.e. it is no longer possible to know the identity of the User who consulted the site. The data collected makes it possible to know what content has been consulted.

None of the data collected for these purposes is transmitted to partners, customers or other third parties.

Article 4 - Our commitments
We are committed to ensuring a high level of expertise in the field of sustainable development and social engagement. We are committed to maintaining quality criteria in the curation and choice of our experts: the commitment to sustainable development and social innovation.

in:Expeditions and your rights
In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 as amended and the European Regulation (EU2016/679) of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and to the free movement of such data (RGPD), you have at any time a right of access, rectification, correction, opposition, opposition, deletion, limitation of processing as well as a right to the portability of information that concern you, which you can exercise by sending an email to our team at Next